The Virtuous Iron Man

Aristotle's Virtue Ethics are more correctly referred to as Excellence Ethics. It is a less subjective middle ground than most would expect. The appropriate response to a situation simply fluctuates with the flexing extremity of the situation. It deals with what works in a given situation the best.

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What Stirs the Heart

One cannot appreciate the value of something possess until it is no more. Memory keeps alive the fleeting moments of time that touch the soul and shape the personality. Life begets love, passion, dread, fear, and hope. What is made of that life is in the moment; that moment when there is no longer isolation from the outside, but the urge to fall into it and become one with the natural world…

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Waste Not Want Not

The reader will have one of three possible responses to The Waste Land: either they will love it, hate it, or put the book down and leave because they could not bring themselves to understand the nonsense they were reading.

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Santería was ‘discovered’ by Western scientists around 1940. Over the next 50 years, several ethnographic studies were performed among those who practiced the religion. The word ‘Santería’ translates literally into “The Religion”. It was not recognized as an official protected religion until 1993 (Brown 2003: 4-5). This religion was classified as Afro-Cuban and it possessed its own art and music.

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The Soul After Death

No one actually knows what happens to the soul after the body dies. Some believe in reincarnation and some believe death is the end of one’s existence. I have always thought that reincarnation was a nice thought. When I was younger people often referred to me as an “old soul”. Of course, I never found out about that until I was much older. I was told I knew how to perform complicated tasks (for a toddler) without anyone showing me how to.

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Common Traits Among Different Types of Witchcraft

Ritual is a significant factor in most religions that involve witchcraft. The methods are often quite old and strict. They adhere to specific guidelines laid by the founders of the religion or base their rituals off of ancient texts. Ceremonial Magic is a massive field of research all on its own. Each individual group has specific rituals they adhere to.

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To Dream A Dream

The controversial nature of dream interpretation exists because of the unreliability of dream interpretation and their regular association with possessing prophetic properties. Since ancient times, dreams have taken on a mystical effect.

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Altered States of Consciousness

There are a number of ways to enter an altered state of consciousness typical brought on by physiological, psychological, or pharmaceutical factors. As far as physiological factors are concerned, one might induce pain in order to alter the mental state as a form of religious practice.

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Astral Projection

Astral projection is the act of removing your soul from your body by your own means. This often involves a ritual but a ritual is not always necessary. If it was considered that a soul could be removed from the body without killing the physical vessel, then the supernatural realm would have to become part of the natural. It would not be uncommon for people to disregard the possibility of astral projection and spirits due to the unknown factors at play.

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The Lore and Lure of Ley Lines

Ley lines are not physically measurable. They consist of supposed alignments of monuments, megaliths, natural ridge-tops, and water-fords. Many consider Ley Lines (also known as quasar ley lines) to be some sort of treasure map to the places of power in the world. The shape of an icosahedron makes up the “map” of ley lines.

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The Archaeological Research Process

The archaeological research process involves five primary steps. The first is the formation of research questions to test a hypothesis. The second step is the collection and recording of evidence to support the research question or questions and the hypothesis by accessing pre-existing information. The third step is processing and the analysis of the evidence that has been collected. The fourth step is the interpretation of the information built from the data analysis. The fifth and last step is the dissemination and reporting of the results of the tests and analysis.

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Public Perceptions of Archaeology

Indiana Jones is a romanticized archaeology professor who is secretly a treasure hunter that finds strange artifacts to bring back to the museum and the university for which he works. Indiana Jones is hardly an archaeologist. He tends to stray from traditional procedure and behave much in the way an antiquarian would.

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